Wednesday, October 1, 2008

'Fever' poem..

september 28, 2008

(it started as soon as i got up, a feelin, kinda like i was completely drained out.... and all of a sudden i was not even able to walk maself without holdin onto sometin.... )


the thing locked me inside ma room for more than 32 hours,
the thing made me to eat around 20 tablets for those two days,
the thing stopped me playin 'counter strike',
the thing stopped me eatin chocolates when ma sister did,
the thing was threatenin me intense,
but to end with,
the thing was destroyed by 29th evening....
and the thing was called


PS : i wrote this maself only for ma own satisfaction
PS2: m writing poem after a very long time(ma last one was a personal poem to ma close friend wen i was doin ma class 12)

-------- any negative feedbacks, dont comment here (PM me :p) -------


Girish Mahadevan said...

y r u so afraid of a -ve comment was a nice one...pretty childish & very unlike u...LOL

liked the "Thing" concept...keep up bro...get well...ciao

Raghul said...

thanx da.... i write chumma for timepass.... like u can c, i dont want to think deep n waste much time in it.... i write as it strikes n i really waste lotsa time in formattin the text n addons ;) i jus wanted to let the readers understand that i got fever for two days n the things i missed those days...
anywayzz, thanks girish.. u always make me bette with ur comments...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

really nice1 dude..keep going..u can make wordsworth(lolz)

Raghul said...

was that sarcastic or u sayin cos u remember only him from ur school day poets????

Anonymous said...

dont take it serious yaar...try y not u can b like i know that poet for his rhyming words at d end of each line

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

machi ennada ithellaam? but really it is good. 7/10 :p