Friday, October 24, 2008

Sorry, cant ignore this :D

hey all.... m back with yet another screenshot..... counter strike again...
check this out ;)
click to enlarge the image

yeeaaahhhh.... 66 ;) cant believe myself.... was crazy that time.... full-on killin spree....
lucky day fa me ;)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

'Waverly Films' - serves variety

Alright... i agree that i'v been spending lotzaa time in Youtube from long time and now, time to share somethin from that....
I recently found a channel 'waverlyflams'(Waverly Films), which has variety of home made videos, rangin from comedy to thriller, action to drama n watz not... FULL ON... this channel is the best one for killin time... got around 180 videos so far.... and boy, every video is so damn creative.... check it out!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

'Fever' poem..

september 28, 2008

(it started as soon as i got up, a feelin, kinda like i was completely drained out.... and all of a sudden i was not even able to walk maself without holdin onto sometin.... )


the thing locked me inside ma room for more than 32 hours,
the thing made me to eat around 20 tablets for those two days,
the thing stopped me playin 'counter strike',
the thing stopped me eatin chocolates when ma sister did,
the thing was threatenin me intense,
but to end with,
the thing was destroyed by 29th evening....
and the thing was called


PS : i wrote this maself only for ma own satisfaction
PS2: m writing poem after a very long time(ma last one was a personal poem to ma close friend wen i was doin ma class 12)

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