Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Campus Interview Experience (Part 1/3)

wellllll, here are some of the happenenings around the days of my campus interviews that i remember.........
where to start with???? ya............ let me start from the beginning of my 7th semester - june,2007(i dont remember the exact date when the college re-opened)... but it was announced earlier in the prev semester that the campus interview starts by 20 june,2007....... i was so much excited since i got too much of confidence on myself and my programming skills..... i knew that i would get into some good company....... the classes were started and the lecturers are on their jobs.... but all the students were anxious to prepare the aptitude and technicals for the campus interviews..... and the lecturers were also not bad... gave some good time to prepare except one or two who were so rude with the students:-/ i had no idea on how tough it would be in the aptitude round and i was like sitting very cool as though i was ready to face the interviews even the very next day.... naaa.... even on the same day....... besides.... i was so strong in programming...... but i still used to sit with 'Programming in C' complete reference all freaking day long cos i like to program in C than in any other platform.....
so, the days were getting closer.............

june 20,2007...

i had to face 'CTS', one of the leading IT companies in India(or even globally--- i dont have any idea on how big it is... hehe)... it was around 9am.... they called us to the pre-placement talk which held in our college's 'so called auditorium'... it was quite ok with their talks but i was not very much listening to them..... then they directed us to the class-rooms for attending the aptitude exam which is the first round of the interview....... v had good fun there cos the guy who came for the super-vision is working under the same firm where one of my class-mates was working (actually we all went with him to find the hall where this guy handled... hehe.... sshhhh) ... it was not like a campus interview.. rather... it was like a class-test..... or..... mid-term.... or watever u name it..... soon, the aptitude got over...... it was said that results will be announced by 3pm and we were given some of the empty class rooms for rest.... v had a good lunch in the mess hall and it was as usual with the menu..... and after lunch we went to those rooms and waited till they called us back to the 'so called auditorium'...... but this sounded something stupid.... they gathered every one of us who attended the interview(there were about 4-5 colleges along with us who attended the interview in our college) and announced the results in the mic....... there were around 1000 (or even more) under the single big roof and they started announcing the names of the short-listed.... Fortunately, my name was also read........ but we were very much shocked that one of our class' toppers dint make it through........ and also a girl who sat next to me in aptitude(hehe).... i was like almost started dreaming......(( "hmmmm ...this could be my company......... ")) after the results, we were told that the technical and hr rounds will be held on the next day together and sent home.....

june 21, 2007...

there was a list on the bulletin-board holding all the short-listed names and a hall number next to each name as where they will have their resp tech+hr(final) interview.... but........ there came a problem.... actually, there was an another guy with the same name as mine and also with same initial 'S'.... in fact, it had been too hard for me in all those college days with him as he does all the mischief's and my friends comes to me and asks why you doing all those...... then i had to explain everyone what it actually was..... great.... i fought my full college life hard with this little same-name thingy...... damn.... and here... in the short-listed names.. he was also there..... both had different timings of the interview and so the hall numbers..... then i rushed to the campus interview in-charge and asked what to do with this problem..... i was askd to clarify from the attender(who helps the interviewers) of my panel and it was confirmed later that i had to attend the first and he had to go to the other.... whew...... i was waiting for my name to be called inside and it was like 5 or 6 guys before me..... they all were preparing each and every second.. but i was so cool after being in high tension with the same-name confusion.... waited waited waited....... and finally..... 'RAHUL'..... there came the call...... i stepped inside the hall and i was directed to my panel.... it was a mam and she was looking pretty old..... i was so proffesional and pretty decent with my outfits and body language..... she started with a common question 'about my family????' and it goes on........ i was so strong with the technical questions and little ups n downs with hr questions like "y low marks in board exams and y low percent in university exams?????" i think i stammered a bit but overall i was quite satisfied with my own replies..... i came out and went to meet my friends attending their interviews in some other halls.... after our interviews got over v had lunch and asked to be rested at the auditorium.... v had some good fun there hoping that the results would be announced on the same day.... but later after few hours of waiting it was declared in the mic that the results are likely to b announced on the next day in their respective class-rooms........... so we were again sent home before it got late.......

june 22, 2007...

it was like the regular college day... getting up late,rushing up to get the bus in time, standing on the foot-board in the bus, having break-fast in the college mess hall, going to classroom late, lectures, green boards..... awaiting the result every minute...... n finally...... it came.... the campus interview in-charge, Head of the Department, and the other section students of the same dept gathered in my class-room and it was al set to announce the result....... it was 20 students who got placed and i was hoping that i would be one of them..... they started in alphabetical order.... i noticed that it was like most of the top scorers got placed... n i was stil hoping my name would be there..... names startin with 'm' got over... 'n', o,p and it started wid 'r'.... i kept ma fingers crossed.... there were one or two names n THAT'S IT....... they moved to 's'..... doummmmmmmbb............
i felt that i lost a huge opportunity..... i just wished al of them who got through and sms'ed my dad that i dint...... but for a good reason i was quite a bit happy that none of my friends got placed except one of my room mates(we were 3 at that time)..... so there ended the chapter of 'CTS' on my life...... but at the other end there were gossips like "the CTS took away with most of the toppers and they least bothered to prefer technically skilled ones.... " so this convinced me a bit and also i started working on for the next interview where 'WIPRO' was scheduled to start by june 25....

it was an another exciting episode n wil be posted soon......


Anonymous said...

lol. it looks like you had lots of fun there. m excited to read the next part. write as soon as possible dear..
wid luv,

Girish Mahadevan said...

dude...good work han!!
machi u dint mention what u felt exactly!!!
Waiting 4 ur HCL interview da!!!!

for ur kindest info, my post would give u an idea...plz mention it word by word
My WIPRO interview..I posted it on the day I gave my interview..;-)

have a read..TC

Anonymous said...

kutty very interesting to read ... keep going ... actually remembering my college days after so many years while reading ur interview exp .... getting excited when our friends gets selected ... so many bitter and happy moments during campus interivews ....