Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My campus interview experience ( Part 2/3 )

well, its almost a week since i posted the Part 1.... n this time its more interesting..... so lets start in straight away...

FOREWORD: The weekend after the results of CTS went distressed..... i went home after college and i was so unhappy wid the way the CTS selected students... i explained the whole story to my family n they jus cheered me which was what they cud do at that point of time.. n so i went back to my room the very nex day in chennai and started preparin for Wipro... but i worked more only on technical and hr since i was so confident wid the aptitude test... had some practices wid how to respond for troublesome questions which i experienced in CTS... k now... time to get started wid the actual post...

June 25, 2007

It was Monday and i was ready to take on Wipro;) ma confidence level was higher this time.. so it started wid usual Pre-placement talk by 8:30 in the usual 'so called auditorium'... i have to mention it here that the Wipro guys started so soon without makin us to wait for the PPT whereas the CTS............. damn.... they came too late... k k... where am i?? ya.... the PPT... it was typical... nothin different or nothin amazed me there.... i think it took an hour to draw to its close.... then we were sent to the same block where v had the CTS aptitude.... it was said that the aptitude has also got technical questions... and so this time v planned to sit in groups.. like... a group havin a good techni and a good math..... n i was put in a group as a good techni..... yes.... people did trust me as m good in programmin as i said earlier... but...... unfortunately the question paper came with two different patterns... they were given alternatively to the students... so it was like the same question paper only for the students sittin next to each other vertically..... there was nothin to do with guys to your left or right.... so things got tougher for some students.... still v had some fun in the hall besides there were some tight tests wid aptitude n tech..... i helped some n even got some quick clues :p from ma frenz around me.... so it ended up gladly..... then v were set free.... we went to auditorium and chilled out there...... no class rooms were given for the students to rest themselves this time.... but v dint stop enjoyin... did al freakin things inside auditorium itself.... hehe... later v rushed inside the mess hall n had lunch as soon as the mess gates opened.... n again.... the same like in CTS.... results were announced around 2:30 in the auditorium... n with no surprise i got through with many of ma frenz.... this time it was like the technical and hr interviews to be conducted seperately the next day..... so again.... back to room...... dint prepare anythin hard.... was so cool.... relaxin :D

June 26, 2007

well groomed.... took some snaps in the room before leavin to college... n here'z one of them....

smart right??? ya i know... looks so professional fa me.... great.... its k now... back to the topic...

v were assembled in front of the block where the interviews were held.... 1st floor-technical ... 2nd-HR..... whew...... the block we were waitin is our own dept block.... it was like a huge crowd gathered there..... v had no idea when the interview actually started since it was said that the interview for CSE wil b after lunch..... felt satisfyin..... but v were still hangin around there to get feedbacks from the rejected students.... yes... it was like the spot result for the technical... the selected will get a form for the hr round and the rejected, where else, back to home.... was so pleasing to hear(sarcastic)..... so it was a noisy ambience there near the steps... there were some attenders who stood near the steps lettin the students upstairs batch-wise..... oh ya i forgot somethin.... v were given some unique numbers (kinda token)... so that they can classify us for batch-wise interviews, panels, timings, etc etc., which were their problems.... but i was confirmed that mine will be after lunch and so i left to have the lunch.... and also there was no such confusion with the same-name as i got in CTS... the other one was not there for techni... well, it was a hot summer and very sunny weather.... came back after lunch to the same spot n waitin for some of ma frenz who went to attend their technicals..... some came back and ma other room mate was selected to attend to hr..... one of ma close frenz, Raja, came back after techni and said he got kicked out.... when v asked wat they askd, the replies were scary..... thought even i l b like him tellin the same after my interview..... they asked him some of the toughest questions.... they sounded even tough fa me n m afraid not, sounded tough fa many of us..... but there were talks like they are not askin much for the non-IT depts..... but still i dint loose hope.... wid full enthu i went up when ma batch was called..... it was a big AC hall and i could c more than 10 panels... i was directed to a panel by the attender who let me inside the hall... so thats it.... my interview started..... the interviewer dint c any of ma marks or cerificates but straight away started shootin the questions..... N IT WAS SO GOD-DAMN EASY FOR ME as i answered for everythin he asked, drew everythin he wanted me to draw, wrote the codes for every prog he asked me to write..... it was so much like my-kind of interview.... this is the interview i was dreamin abt.... i felt like this is my day after i saw many of my friends kicked out already.... i successfully completed my technical interview and i was handed over with the HR form.. i walked out the hall with a pride and the HR form in my hand... i had to directly go to the next floor where the HR interview was taking place.... there i found some of ma frenz who already got through the techni n waitin for hr in the corridor... before i found ma room mate fren, vicrum, i was asked to fill the form inside an another hall next to the hall where the interview was takin place.... so i went there, done with the fillin and handed over to the person who collected it from us... he gives all the filled forms to the panels, in groups... so that it cud b easy for them to take on the students batch-wise.... i was waitin outside the interview hall wid vicrum and v were so happy that v got thru the techni and discussin wat hapnd in there... suddenly, i was called inside n directed to a panel where a fat guy wid a terror look was sittin wid ma form... but i was so cool n there was a little smile still stickin in ma face... it started wid a typical HR question, "Tell me about yourself"... n it went on with some pretty easy questions.... but......... some unexpected as well though i knew the answers for them like "Abstract of my mini-project", "What is Data-mining?", "Data-warehousing".... those r completely technicals... but i still answered them correctly with some stammers..... so it got over and i went outside the hall after a satisfyin performance.. i was waitin for vicrum and even he came out after a couple of mins... we planned to leave as it was announced that the results wil b declared the next day... so v jus left after few mins and we were on the way to room which was like around 5 kms from the college... we were still discussin wat hapnd in techni n HR... on the way, we went to a juice shop near to our room and while having the juice v happned to see the wipro buses taking their employees back home from office.... i started dreamin that after a year or two, even i get to travel in dat..... wat a moment that i felt that way... n after havin the juice v returned to the room which was like half a kilometre down a street from the juice shop.. v had so much fun in front of the other one who already got thru in CTS n we were threatenin him like "2 wipro and 1 cts in a same room is hard to survive for the cts"... but it was al jus fa fun.... not a real threat.......... so the day jus ended in a usual pattern where vicrum started with his flirtin business over phone, deep david(the CTS guy), doin al the crazy things he used to do(like listenin or watchin some stupid songs in his laptop wid maximum volume and pretends like he is good in hacking by reading al those hackers books n stuffs) n me with ma lappy as well, internet, surfing, music......

June 27, 2007

started exactly like the same in CTS till the result announcement...... but this time the scene was little different.... al set to announce the results.... and the campus interview in-charge was ready with the list... before he started readin out the names he pointed that 14 students were selected from my dept... now with the list...... he asked the students to stand up after their names are read.... after 5 or 6 names, there was a call, "RAHUL"..... i almost stood straight before i heard the second part of the name "RAMACHANDRAN", who is an another guy with the same name as mine but with different last name..... damn it was an another big blow and i sat down feeling really embarrased...... i was even waitin til they read the last name of our dept... but again............. i almost felt like crying out loud but controlled maself this time..... even vicrum, who stood next to me, got selected and i was the only one still without placed from my room... it sounded too bad for myself and i was so much unhappy that day... again, as usual, sent a negative sms to ma dad askin him not to call me that night.... i felt too bad for the whole day..... when i saw the same wipro buses that evenin i picked up stones to throw on it.... m not jokin, i seriously did that.... then vicrum stopped me and said "its all for good.. dont worry you will get in HCL which is also a very good company.. consider that three of us getting into different companies"... that gave me some spark to work harder for HCL which was scheduled the very next day.... also it was the first time they conducted online test for aptitude and technical... so i prepared with my maximum involvement that evening with the sample and previous year question papers..... i dint even go for dinner but i asked vicrum to buy a dosa for me:D i really worked out too hard that night... my parents still called me and wished for the interview..... i jus took all the pasts as a lesson and started to improvise myself more on technical and HR... also, its the first time for me with online tests... so practised lots with C and C++ in my lappy ..... i found many things which i dint know in C.... i felt that all that happened so far are for my good...

well, this Part ends here and i will post the Part 3 soon... i guess this is little bit more lengthy than the prev... m jus filling with watever i can remember sequencially....... so... sorry if it is borin or if u dont like the way it is written.... but i cant change myself writing this way since i felt i can express everythin happened around my interview scene by scene which sounds interestin and a good recall for myself....
k then, i l catchya with the next part soon.... do check my blog regularly.....


Girish Mahadevan said...

ohh boy!! control ur hands man, huge post...; least write in points da, its easy 2 read..It almost took me 10mins 2 finish...;-D
machi there were more than 20 pannels 4 wipro in the ECE lab & In HR the thing which i feel from the post is that, he would have probably found something wrong in ur HR form write up coz ur speaking skills r nearing perfection..
finally, after 2 parts...get me the HCL success interview...HAH!!

Unknown said...

Gud INCH by INCH story man..!!!!

Keep up The ENTHU to write such long ones...
And as GIRISH said...U can point out certain things.....