Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dropped, confused, but finally, COMMITED

hey guys... long time since i POSTED THE POSTERS(sounds ryhmin.. isn't it??) k here... m not actually busy in filmin... i have been thinkin on wat i cud do after dropping the project.... yessss... it WAS dropped.... it's actually quite a big story to explain... whew... i happened to face some difficulties in the production period... not with the location, not with the weather, not with the story, dialogs, or somethin else, but............ the cameramen.... i dont find them punctual... or atleast somethin closer to that.... damn... for the 3 or 4 weeks after i started workin on this, they turned only like once or twice each week... that was pretty hard for me to keep the tune going... so i jus told them this will not work and i planned to drop it and it was dropped eventually.... so i decided to shift maself to Chennai and do any part time job there for a break... i thought 'The Game' is over :(

later, one day, wen i was talkin to one of ma advisors who is also a film maker in Chennai, told me not to drop it.. cos this cud be the one which starts my career in someway or the other.. he saw the trailor and he insisted me to get going with it as he got impressed with my choreography and editing.. so i was in search for some1 else whom i cud really trust on for my project... meanwhile, i have been playin online counter-strike(a pc game), cricket and cards and keep maself engaged all freakin day long with ma close friends here in ma hometown... i caught one from them and explained him the whole story... he said that he cud replace them and finish this successfully.. i was so much pleased to hear those from him.... i was so sure abt this guy as he is really jobless like me :p and a very trust-worthy person too... well, i think 'The Game' is still 'on' and i cud make it by the end of this august... but, good or bad, 'Avis & DX Studios' is out of 'The Game'....

PS: New posters and banners will be released soon...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

tadaaaaaa.... another poster here....

click on the pic to enlarge

Old Poster

Click here to enlarge..

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Game (Teaser Trailer) --- Updated

hey guys... herez the teaser trailor of the film. I'm still in the production(filming) phase. Guess i will finish it before august and the film will be hopefully released in the 2nd or 3rd week of august. Watch the teaser and write in your comments...

Youtube link:

Download the original quality here:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Been busy... for good reason

Well, it’s been quiet around here… a little too quiet if you know what I mean. My new short-film named, 'The GAME', has just got finished with its pre-production and it is all set to start filming from tomorrow. This time its going to be totally different as i stepped little deep into film-making with better integrations of lighting, camera-angles, and more of script oriented realistic film-making unlike some kinda 'Harry Potter'y effects. I’ll try to keep you posted and now that I have made a simple poster in no-time cos i just wanted to give a quick tip on what the film's genre is.

Click here to get the sample poster

Waste more time

Little more time killing